The Mexican erotic thriller, Dark Desire landed on Netflix on 15 July 2020. The show was an instant hit as it snatched 35 million views in just four weeks around the globe. It was the first non-English title on Netflix to achieve that. The erotic, thriller left the fans on a strong cliff-hanger in season one.
Fans were eagerly waiting for season two to see what will happen next. And the curiosity quelled on 2 February 2022, 18 months after. Fans enjoyed the blend of betrayal, scandals, conspiracies, lies, thrill, and eroticism.
Dark Desire Plot
Dark Desire tells the story of a couple Alma and Leonardo. The couple is blessed with a teenage daughter. Alma once spent the night with Brenda, her dearest friend. Alma expressed scepticism about Leonardo’s illicit relationship with his assistant during their conversation. Brenda advised her to have fun with someone. She suggested that what is stopping her if Leo is having fun outside?
Later, they went to a club and met a twenty-five-year-old Dario. After some hesitation, they ended up having sex. The reason behind her sleeping with the boy was her anger at Leo for being a cheater. But when Alma learns that her husband never had an affair, she leaves in a lurch.
The series started on a thrilling note when in the very first scene cops arrested Alma. The whole build-up looks intriguing and interesting to see what happened. The series kept you entangled until the end where the fans were left with a strong cliffhanger.
Season 2 continues the story where the devastated Alma tries to mend her life. She is now staying with her parents. She lost her job at the university, divorced his husband Leonardo, and is away from her daughter Zoe.
The thoughts of Darrio haunt her in dreams. She joined a counselling session to recover from her devastation with some women. But the story takes a twist again when the new love and fiancee of Darrio was found mysteriously dead.
Dark Desire Season 3 release date
The series is indeed fast-paced, have some plot twist, and has lots of erotic scenes. Also, the story came to an end. There is no sense in renewing Dark Desire for another season until Netflix decides to bring up a whole new story. With the release of Dark Desire season 2, Netflix announced that it will be the final season and the series will not return with season 3.
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Dark Desire Season 3 Cast
Season 3 is not returning for season 3. But, if it returns by any chance, then the potential characters will be:
Maite Perroni plays Alma Solares
Erik Hayser plays Esteban Solares
Jorge Poza plays Leonardo Solares
Regina Pavón plays Zoe Solares
María Fernanda Yepes plays Brenda Castillo
Leticia Huijara plays Lucinda
Claudia Pineda plays García
Samantha Orozco plays Rosalba
Esteban Soberanes plays Vallejo
Eligio Meléndez plays El Padrino
Magali Boysselle plays Mónica
Mahoalli Nassourou plays Eugenia Montaño
Juan Aguirre plays Mendoza
Ariana Saavedra plays Julieta Lazcano
Alejandro Speitzer plays Darío Guerra
María de Villa plays Karina
Paulina Matos plays Edith Ballesteros
Carmen Beato plays Doctor
Tony Valdes plays Jacinto
Fabián Merlo plays El Chalán
Catherine Siachoque plays Lys Antoine
Arturo Barba plays Iñigo Lazcano
Pablo Astiazarán plays Jiménez
Jason Romo plays Mauricio
When is dark desire season 3 coming out?
With the release of season 2, Netflix announced the last season. Dark Desire season 3 is not coming.
Is Dark Desire Spanish or Mexican?
Dark Desire is a Mexican thriller, drama, and erotic series available to stream on Netflix.
Is Dark Desire worth watching?
The series has a lot of erotic scenes and a decent storyline. It is rated 6.5/10 on IMDB.