Anime enthusiasts were captivated by Beastars, a production of Studio Orange, when the first season was licensed by Netflix in March 2020. The show became instantly popular with viewers all around the world because of the intricate universe consisting of anthropomorphized animals and the story of Legoshi, the giant blue wolf. However, Beastars season two concluded in March 2021, and viewers have been waiting for the Beastars season 3 release date.
Learn the Beastars season 3 release date and trailer
The third and final season of everyone’s beloved anthropomorphic animated story will premiere in 2024. Fans of Netflix Original anime Beastars have been eagerly anticipating news on the highly anticipated renewal of the critically acclaimed series, which was broadcast on December 22, 2021.
On September 7, 2022, Beastars’ official website announced that the final season would debut on Netflix in 2024. Fans of the well-liked Netflix anime series were ecstatic to hear this news. Along with another announcement on the 41st edition of Weekly Shounen Champion, the message was also posted by the official Twitter accounts of Studio Orange and Netflix Anime.
Unlike the first two seasons, which were first broadcast on TV in Japan before being streamed on Netflix, the final season may only be available on Netflix. Along with Orange, the key cast members from the first two seasons are returning. Shinichi Matsumi is the director, and Nanami Higuchi wrote the script, thus the same excellent CGI work and plot will be maintained.
The Beastars season 3 trailer has not yet been released. The exact date for when the anime will be broadcast is still uncertain, however, development has been underway since the third season was revealed during Anime Expo 2023.
Beastars Season 3 Cast
Even though the formal casting announcements for Beastars Season 3 have not yet been made, we expect to see some familiar faces in the main cast. Viewers may probably anticipate seeing Jonah Scott, Griffin Puatu, and Lara Jill Miller return to their respective roles as Legoshi, Louis, and Haru in the English version.
It is also anticipated that Kibi, Jack, and Dom, among other supporting characters, would all have the same voice performers. It’s also logical to expect that additional characters, each with a distinct voice, will be introduced; however, confirmation of this is something we eagerly await from official announcements.
The director of the anime’s first two seasons, Shinichi Matsumi, is making a comeback, which is exciting for fans. Nao Ootsu is back for character designing, and Nanami Higuchi is penning the story. With this talented crew back, the Beastars Season 3 cast will provide a fascinating and brilliantly crafted sequel to the show.
Plot of Beastars Season 3
Three of the manga’s arcs are featured in the first two seasons of the anime. The Revenge of the Love Failure Arc and the Interspecies Relations Arc are anticipated to be covered in Season 3. For those who haven’t read the manga or seen even one episode of the anime, Beastars takes place in a universe where animals that resemble humans are classified as either herbivores or carnivores. Carnivores and herbivores coexist yet differ greatly from one another, despite the diversity of these animals.
The narrative centres on Greywolf Legoshi, who is a student at the esteemed Cherryton Academy. He’s cautious and friendly, despite being mistakenly perceived as a large evil wolf at times. Tensions between carnivores and herbivores only worsen after the herbivore student dies in a school.
What to anticipate in Beastars Season 3?
There is still plenty of manga to use as source material, so Orange’s animators will have their job cut out for them. The first two seasons covered around 99 of the 196 chapters. It took almost the same amount of chapters to fully satiate the ravenous fans who are eagerly waiting for the Beastars season 3 release date.
Interspecies Relations (Chapters 100–123) and Revenge of the Love Failure (Chapters 124–196) are the two major storylines that remain. The aftermath of Legoshi’s battle with Riz, who turned out to be Tem’s killer, could mark the beginning of the last season. The subdued wolf who accepted his raptorial tendencies will have to pay a heavy price for his deeds.