Legacies is an American fantasy drama created by Julie Plec. The first season of the series aired on October 25, 2018, on The CW. It is part of the Vampire Diaries universe. This is a spinoff that features characters from The Originals and The Vampire Diaries. It stars Danielle Rose Russell as Hope Mikaelson, in the same role that she played in The Originals. Moreover, it also stars Matt Davis as Alaric Saltzman from The Vampire Diaries.
The first season aired from October 25, 2018, to March 28, 2019. The second season started on October 10, 2019, and ended on March 26, 2020. Its third and fourth seasons debuted on January 21, 2021, and October 14, 2021, respectively.
The story revolves around Hope Mikaelson, a descendant of some of the most potent vampires, werewolves, and witch bloodlines. They set it two years after The Originals, where 17-year-old Hope attends The Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted.
What is ‘Legacies’ about?
Legacies, the spinoff of The Originals, takes place in The Vampire Diaries universe. Both of those series received global recognition and captured the interest of audiences from around the globe. Legacies tell the story of the next generation of many supernatural beings at The Salvatore Boarding School for the Young and Gifted. Hope Mikaleson is the daughter of Niklaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall-Kenner. She encounters other supernatural beings, such as Alaric Saltzman’s twins, Lizzie and Josie. Along with them, the show revolves around Rafael Waithe and Landon Kirby, all looking to improve their supernatural powers and become the best versions of themselves.
They named the school in the loving memory of Stefan Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries. He dies in an attempt to save his brother Damon and the town of Mystic Falls. To honor that sacrifice, Damon donates their property to build a school for supernatural children. Moreover, the town of Mystic Falls has been the recipient of many supernatural attacks. Legacies also focus on the children attempting to keep their secret from the humans of Mystic Falls and the rest of the world.
Will there be a Legacies Season 5?
There is no answer to the question of when will Legacies season 5 be on Netflix. It was announced in 2022 that the show would not be back for another season. It was mournful for the series co-creator, Julia Plec, as she didn’t want the show to end either. After the cancellation was announced, Plec took to X and said, “It’s the Red Wedding at WBTV/CW today. Much more to say, but not today. Loads of gratitude coming for fans and cast and crew in future tweets. But today, we mourn.”
Legacies Season 5 Release Date
If you are wondering when Legacies season 5 is coming out, then it is unfortunate to break it to you that it will not be back. The fourth season of the show was the final season, and for the first time since The Vampire Diaries was aired, there has been no show of them.
Legacies Season 5 Cast
Since the makers canceled the series, no information about the cast members has been available. However, if there were to be a fifth season, it would have featured those from the first four seasons. It includes Danielle Rose Russell, Aria Shahghasemi, Kaylee Bryant, Jenny Boyd, Quincy Fouse, Peyton Alex Smith, and Matt Davis. Along with them, the cast members are Chris Lee, Ben Levin, Leo Howard, and Omono Okojie.
Legacies Season 5 Trailer
It is not unknown that the fans were highly anticipating the trailer and episodes of Legacies season 5. However, since the show will not be renewed, there is not going to be a Legacies season 5 trailer either.
To sum it up, the much-beloved series will not be returning for a fifth season. However, fans can still browse through Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Apple TV to watch the previous seasons.