The OTT streaming giant, Netflix, is slated to add more animated shows to its collection. Among the freshly-brewed shows is the revived version of The Fairly Odd Parents, called “The Fairly Odd Parents: A New Wish.” With the original show aired from 2011 to the late 2010s, there was even a short-lived action reboot on Paramount+. Now, Netflix is going to give a fresh start.
In the upcoming animated series, The Fairly OddParents are spicing up the series by adding one more character, Hazel Walls, a 10-year-old girl residing in Dimmadelphia. In the animated show, Hazel has just moved to the city, and her elder brother is at college. Along with the familiar voice of Wanda, Cosmo, who is played by Susanne Blakeslee and Darran Norris, will be returning to grant wishes for Hazal. Meanwhile, as per media reports, Ashleigh Crystal Hairston has voiced the newly introduced character Hazel.
With Butch Hartman and Fred Seibert as the executive producers of the show, The Fairly OddParents is in good hands. Besides, we have witnessed several mergers between Netflix and Nickelodeon, and this series will positively affect the growing partnership.
On the contrary, Netflix decided to premiere this anticipated animated season, The Fairly OddParents: A New Wish in April 2022.
So, get ready for a perfect animated series binge-watching session on the OTT platform, Netflix.