Based on a 2013 manga by the same name, High-Rise Invasion will premiere as a horror anime in 2021. In it, we follow the story of Yuri, a little girl whose unexplained transit takes place in a High-Rise world populated by towering buildings. As savage killers in this realm chase her, she must devise a plan to stay alive. Additionally, she has a brother trapped someplace in the realm and must be located. Yuri failed miserably to locate Rika, and the first season concluded on a cliffhanger. High-Rise Invasion Season 2 has fans wondering when it will be available.
When Can We Expect Season 2 of High-Rise Invasion?
Because of the enormous cliffhanger that ended the first season of High-Rise Invasion, we are curious whether there will be a second season. The second season announcement for the survival anime series has yet to be made. Neither Netflix nor the creators of High-Rise Invasion have announced or denied the possibility of a second season. There have been rumblings about a potential second season since the first one debuted on Netflix almost two years ago.
People are still determining when High-Rise Invasion Season 2 will be out! There is enough content to make a second season. We need more narrative when we’re left hanging on a cliffhanger. The crowd is pleased that it will not be canceled. Future successful anime programs may use a similar approach.
Chapter 149 of the manga series serves as the basis for the first season. The remaining 109 chapters will be shown in the event of a new season! There are 259 chapters in all in the manga. There are twelve episodes in the first season. Keep up with the sequel series High-Rise Invasion Arrive till you wait for the next season to be out.
The Cast and Characters of High-Rise Invasion
This survival anime series’ cast and characters are crucial. Their character growth was what drew viewers into the show. When High-Rise Invasion Season 2 is announced, we may anticipate these voice actors to reprise their roles. Following is a list of the series’ main characters:
- Haruka Shiraishi as Yuri Honjō
- Junya Enoki as Rika Honjō
- Akira Sekine as Kuon Shinzaki
- Yuichiro Umehara as Sniper Mask
- Shiki Aoki as Mayuko Nise
- Yoko Hikasa as Yayoi Kusakabe
- Jun Fukuyama as Mamoru Aikawa
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What Can You Look Forward to in Season 2 of High-Rise Invasion?
An explosive episode of ‘This Is a High-Rise Invasion’ concluded the first season. Although there have been few announcements about the next season, everyone is still curious about the storyline. The cliffhanger ending of High-Rise Invasion has viewers eager for more.
In cases when there are several unresolved plot points in a season, and the show is popular with viewers, the prospect of a High-Rise Invasion Season 2 is encouraging. The creator of the High-Rise Invasion world is a mystery that spectators are trying to solve.
Another question that needs answering is the point of the game and why the masked murderers are so brutal. What matters most is whether Yuri and her companions can break out of this challenging game! Yuri and Rika’s dramatic reunion could happen. The continuation of Rika’s adventure will also be uncovered!
Is There a Trailer for Season 2 of High-Rise Invasion?
Another possible clue that High-Rise Invasion Season 2 may return is the show’s worldwide success. Our hunger was sated with the first season! The production crew and Netflix have not yet confirmed anything. An additional season would be a thrilling addition. Nevertheless, High-Rise Invasion’s return for a second season has yet to be officially announced. So, a trailer has yet to be published.